Living payday to payday


So let's talk money...

What an area that’s so full of shame. Most people are taught to keep quiet about it. I know, because I have always been really open with our finances to Cash, and he has said some things when he was little that made people feel suuuuper uncomfortable. Haha. I have since trained him that we only talk about money inside our family, which is a good rule of thumb for a 9 year old. I actually have this philosophy, though, that most of that shame would be taken away if we’d just stop being weird, and be open about things. I think there would be a lot more “me too” moments than we imagine.

I’ve always wanted to be responsible with my money. The fact is, being a single mom is hard, and being a broke college kid was also difficult. Even if I was doing everything perfectly, there would still be times in my life that are a struggle. Lately for the first time in my life, I’ve actually been able to keep a teensy tiny savings account, that I’m working to grow. Exciting stuff.

All that preamble to say: I’ve been broke the day before payday more times than I can count. Sometimes it’s poor spending, sometimes there’s a flat tire, sometimes I just need to shuffle money around a larger than expected utility bill…you name it, it’s probably happened. I know for a fact I’m not alone in this. I’ve had friends and family that have had it happen to them too. Which is why I wanted to share with you an app that I found recently that has saved me some sleepless nights. It’s called Earnin, and they let you take out a small payday loan with zero interest or fees. I’ve used it myself so I know it works, and it’s really comforting to know it’s there if I need it.

Here’s how it works: If you have direct deposit, you can (securely) link your bank account and they will be able to verify what days you get paid. If you work in an office, you also give them your office address and they can track to make sure you are going to work. You can do this for salary or hourly paychecks. They take this information to secure themselves, and will give you a payday limit. I believe it’s anywhere from $250-$500, and you can take out $100 at a time (daily limit). Also, they have a feature called Lightening speed. I can request money and it’s literally in my account within 5 minutes. At the end of your transaction, they will ask you if you’d like to tip, and honestly I almost always do. If you do, it increases their chances of raising your overall limit, and also it just seems really worth it to me, to keep this service going.

They also have a balance protection option, where they will automatically transfer over money if your bank account is about to go overdrawn. It’s such an amazing service. I really thought it was too good to be true, until I tried it. And I’m saying that in my best friend, not my sales voice, because I don’t work for them. :)

If you want to download it you can get $5 free here: (I won’t see who has redeemed my code, so it’s completely private). I also get a small reward in my account, so thank you!! Let me know what you all think, and I hope you have a wonderful day!


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