When you need a little pick me up

You all, the last week or so has been a little lackluster for me. I haven't felt too much like writing; I've been grumpy and just felt blah. I had tons of fun with Cash at Universal, I've had good convos with friends, and I set an exciting new goal...and still...bleh. 

Today I want to share a few of my go-to’s for when I'm feeling completely unmotivated. I hope it helps you get through those times when you feel like you're running through quicksand (or maybe tempted to nap...). I'd love it if you'd like to share any of yours in the comments!

I was listening to this podcast episode (#21) with Darbie Angell. If listening to how she started her company buying diamonds from some dudes overseas over the phone and reselling them while she was on bed rest and her husband told her she was crazy (she is a little) doesn't stir something inside of you, you're dead.

Podcasts have been my primary source of motivation and education lately. Find one you love and turn it on when you're in the shower, getting ready for your day, in the car, fixing dinner, or working out. It helps to get out of your head and hear someone else's story.


Try and remember something that you love to do (even if you don't really feel like doing it now), and go do that thing. Plant some flowers that will make you smile when you walk down the sidewalk to check the mail. Get a bird feeder. Write in your journal. Play a video game or paint a picture or dance around the kitchen to Beyonce...whatever it is, make yourself do it. Sometimes you've got to move your body to remind your mind what to do. 

Focus on the right stuff. Get off social media, turn your phone to Do Not Disturb, crank up your music, and clean something. Scrub the bathroom shower. Clean under the seats of the car. Throw on a bathing suit, grab the water hose, and do an old fashioned car wash with the kids. Get out of that cycle of refreshing your news feed or checking your messages, and go LIVE YOUR LIFE. Bonus: You'll feel super productive and get to enjoy the benefits of your hard work!

We know that reaching our goals, and living the good life is not always going to feel super exciting. Sometimes you just have to push through it, but know that every single person on the planet goes through those moods too. It's not a reflection of your capability, it's just life. Keep moving, do not even think about giving up, and you'll get there. I'm rooting for you!


Lessons on perseverance


Sweet Memories