Sweet Memories


Sorry I've been a little quieter on here this week. I've been working on some bigger posts that take a little more time to get right (and a lot more bravery to post). Anyways, I thought I'd go with the old standby and post an excerpt from my journal. This one is from when Cash was 4. I hope your weekend is filled with lots of these kind of extra sweet moments! 

This morning, I woke up at my normal 5:30 time, scrambled for my robe and glasses, let Turbo out, started the kettle for my coffee. I peeled and cut apples, sautéed them, added some other ingredients, put the skillet in the warm oven. Took my shower in the warm bathroom, then snuck in for my favorite part of the day. “Cash...time to wake up sweetie! I made you some breakfast, are you hungry?” My sleepy eyed boy looked up at me and said, “It’s ready now?!” When I told him yup, just got it out of the oven, he said a simple “Thanks mom, for cooking my dinner during the night time!”  I love his simple appreciation. That he noticed the fact that I woke up while it was still dark outside, just to fix him breakfast. I pick him up and carry him to the living room. He reminds me, “We have to grab Teddy!!” Then he flies Teddy into the living room pretending that he is a super-bear. These moments are absolutely, without a doubt...just the best :)


When you need a little pick me up


Quest for the perfect breakfast bowl = Complete!!