How I keep my email inbox (mostly) clear

We all know that there are two types of people in this world: Those who cannot stand having those little notifications waiting on your phone, and those who, well....are psychopaths and don't care if they have 4,583 unread emails (you can guess which one I am).

For those of you like me, I have a wonderful solution for you.

This website allows you to log in to your email, and it will tell you every mailing list you are subscribed to. It will then give you the choice to either unsubscribe from that mailing list, leave it alone (continue going to your email inbox), or "Roll it up." If you roll it up, it will appear in one email per day to your inbox that you can scroll at a glance. It is amazing. 

Let's go through it step by step. First, you'll go to the site and see this:

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All you have to do is log in to your email, and it will then pull up all of your subscriptions. Check out all of the junk that I somehow got added to.

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I can now choose whether to unsubscribe (remove myself from their list completely), Keep in Inbox, or Roll it up. I choose the Roll it up option for stores that I shop and enjoy receiving coupons for or knowing about their sales and  newsletters that aren't super urgent. My daily emails look like this:

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If I receive an email that I am interested in, it's all still intact, all I have to do is click on it, and it will open in a webpage. You can also log into their website, and get your daily roll up there. Easy peasy! I've been using this service for a few years now, and it has been life changing. 


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