Guidelines- Read me first!

For as long as I can remember, I’ve been very passionate about what’s fair. As a kid, I’m sure it was obnoxious. I literally staged protests for things that I thought were unjust (and usually won! But that’s beside the point). As an adult, it certainly hasn’t gone away. When someone I know and care about is frustrated about something, I want to help them fix it. If they are being treated unfairly, I want to make it right. This also expands out to people that I don’t know. So basically, I care very deeply about about most humans who live on this planet. I’d probably also care about aliens if we find out that they exist.

For the last year and a half, through a very contentious election, discussions about race coming to the forefront, and then COVID-19 being politicized, it’s been really hard for someone like me, who can’t just “turn it off”. I just care about it all so much. Social media isn’t the place to have these big conversations (even though we’ve all tried). I have a lot of them face to face (or over the phone) with my loved ones, but I’m not the fastest on-my-feet thinker. I’d rather write it all out in an email. ….or a blog post (see where this is headed?)

I created this blog as a place to gather some of my thoughts and opinions on big issues that have caught my attention. It’s an outlet for me, and a way to gather all the facts (and my opinions) in one place. Sometimes just the act of gathering information might make me change my own mind. Sometimes it will solidify it. Sometimes, I’ll get new information a year down the road and will adjust my opinion accordingly then. I get to do that, because this is my blog, and I’m a human and we all get to do that; change our minds at any time when presented with new information.

That being said, I’m going to turn off comments. If you would like to comment, you can email me at If you’re a friend or family member, you can pick up the phone and call me. If that doesn’t feel like enough of a platform for you, you can create your own blog and refuse to let me comment.

If you’re uncomfortable with this whole deal, you can choose to avoid this blog section altogether. I’ll keep my Lifestyle blog and vacation posts and the rest of the website apolitical.

I hope that for those of you who do disagree, that having insight into someone else’s viewpoint gives you compassion (I love picking the brains of my friends who disagree with me!). Maybe for some of you it will help you express what you already feel to be true. I hope that it helps me be able to express all this passion in a positive way, instead of holding it all in and blowing up on some poor guys Facebook comment section. This blog is my way of standing up for what I believe in, in the kindest way I could think of.

I will be very earnest and use lots of bold and italics. I will do my very best to be unapologetic while still being kind.

Also, just in case it needs to be said, all opinions are my own and do not reflect those of my employer, my kid, any ex boyfriends, my parents or anyone else that is related to me, or any of my best friends.


The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act