A fall update from your favorite people named Mindy and Cash
Somewhere in some state at a scenic overlook. Road trips with a boy and his dog, require lots of pit stops.
Hey guys! It’s been awhile, and I have been really missing this space, so I thought I’d check in.
2020, am I right?
We are still homeschooling, and man…I’m so happy that the timing of this all worked out. I cannot imagine what kind of stress I would be in if I were having to constantly pivot our plans to match the public schools right now. Shout out to you who are rocking it, and hugs to those of you who are not. I’m sure you’re doing better than you think you are.
We took a road trip to take Cash to his dad’s in Oklahoma this summer. At the time, airlines and airports were still changing their rules every day, so we decided to drive. We rented a mini-van, since my car has about 1 million miles on it, and Cash has been begging me to buy one ever since. Because a single mom with one child really needs a mini-van, huh? Haha. He loved being able to spread out, and I have to admit, it was super comfortable. Also, driving meant we got to bring Turbo, so that was fun!
We flew when I went to pick him up, and the experience was really smooth. We’ve gotten used to wearing masks everywhere. Honestly, when we first started wearing them, I thought they were hot and uncomfortable, and they made me a little nauseous. Now I can forget I even have one on.
Posing with the tiger in Islands of Adventure is always a must.
We made a decision to get Universal Studios annual passes, after doing a lot of research. We’ve been multiple times and we feel like they’ve been handling everything really well. Masks are required, and they squirt (really stinky) hand sanitizer on you before every ride. It’s been really nice to be able to get out and do something “normal” but still feel pretty safe.
Our pandemic philosophy has evolved over time, as I’m sure everyone else’s has. We are not on full lockdown. We eat at restaurants (though I prefer to sit outside whenever possible). We go to Universal and Seaworld. Masks are required everywhere down here, and we wash our hands and use hand sanitizer. I even got my hair done the other day, and felt comfortable. We are not high risk, so I’ve grown comfortable getting out ourselves, and we are doing our best not to accidentally spread anything to anyone else. I’ve also been trying really hard to be respectful and non-judgemental of everyone else’s levels of comfort. Everyone is doing the best they can to deal with this, and it’s not my job to tell anyone outside my immediate family (that’s me and Cash) how to respond. Unless you’re mask-less and directly breathing on me, you do you, man.
Loving my new rainbow glasses
My boyfriend of two years and I broke up two weeks ago. That has been tough, but mostly drama free, so I’m thankful for that, at least. Cash and I are working to stay busy. We’ve been thinking about getting another dog, I have set some pretty ambitious baking goals for myself, and Cash started watching a new anime today, so…you know…there’s that. Also one of my best friends (who lives in Texas) literally ordered cheesecake and had it sent to my house, which was just the best. We’ll be okay.
Let’s see, what else is going on? Oh! I know. I bought some magnetic eyelashes that I plan on trying out this week. Also, the latest Inspector Gamache book came out. I’m halfway through, and it’s been excellent so far. I suppose I’ll log off for now, but I’ll stay in touch.
Happy fall!