Your kid friendly Netflix binge this weekend

We all like to go on the occasional Netflix binge watch. I locked myself in my room for a few days when Stranger Things hit, and I literally stayed up all night watching all four Gilmore Girls episodes with my best friend when they released at midnight. There's something fun about getting wrapped up in blankets on the couch, your snacks within arms reach, and settling in with a great story. 

The only problem is, it's a little difficult to find something that I can binge watch with my favorite person, who happens to be 8 years old. You have to find something with an intriguing enough plot to suck me in for hours on end (I get bored easily watching television), but is also appropriate for a kid. 

Enter: A Series of Unfortunate Events.

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You guys, this show is so fantastic. Neil Patrick Harris is the best villain ever. The plot has me totally enamored. I'm kind of shocked that I've never read the books (they are on my to read list), but now I kind of want to wait and experience it all with Cash first. The sets and the characters are all fantastic. It has so many wonderful one liners that we repeat over and over for days. We've watched and rewatched the first season more times than I can remember. We've been counting down the days until the second season's release for months. 

The great news? Today is the day!! Grab your snacks, your favorite blanket, and your kiddo(s) and get ready to be enchanted by seasons ONE AND TWO. You're welcome. 



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