Questions you can ask your kid to actually find out how his day was

My son is pretty loquacious...when he wants to be. However, he generally has zero interest in telling me how his day was. I find out snippets here and there, but only if it comes up naturally in conversation. You can only ask the question "How was your day?" and hear "Fine." so many times before you realize that question is pointless. Instead, I started testing out alternate questions. It's amazing how just rewording the question will get you amazing results.

The key is to throw them a little off their guard, switch it up, and be specific. Here are some variations of what I ask instead of "How was your day?"

Tell me something interesting that happened to you today. (This is my favorite, and works almost every time)

Who did you sit with at lunch?

What did you do at recess?

What was the most boring part of your day?

Did anything silly or ridiculous happen to you today?

Did anything make you mad?

What was your favorite thing that happened?

It really doesn't have to be anything fancy, and sometimes I get really silly with it and just go for a laugh. Usually he will answer the question I ask honestly, and that gets the ball rolling on more stories. Sometimes I'll try a few variations and still only get one word answers because he isn't feeling chatty and that's totally fine. My goal here is mainly to let him know I care, and I'm listening.


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