Don't Be a Liar


January is a great time for goal setting. I know it’s pretty cringe-worthy to bandwagon jump, but I happen to believe firmly that if it’s a healthy bandwagon, I’m happy to hop right on with zero shame.

For 2018, I’ve decided to set one goal per month. Once that month is over, I’m free to go back to my slovenly ways, but I absolutely have to stick to my resolution every single day that whole month with no cheats. Some of these I do hope will become habits, some of them are just super hard and I probably can’t realistically keep them up every day past a month, some are just going to be fun and weird.

I was listening to a wonderful podcast last month by Rachel Hollis, the queen of goals and basically being awesome. She talked about how making a promise to yourself is exactly like making a promise to anyone else. If you break it over and over again, people are going to stop believing you eventually.

Can I just tell you, I’ve broken so many promises to myself, I don’t believe a word out of my mouth.

“I’m going to work out in the morning!”

“I’m going to start eating healthy!”

“I’m going to lose 10 pounds before summer!”

You dirty liar, you will not. As soon as it gets hard, you’re gonna go all, “It’s just a dress size, people will love me no matter what” which is so missing the point. The point is…you’re breaking your promises, and I can’t even trust you anymore.

So the whole point of this deal? Re-building trust in myself again. I’m going to make some goals. What they are doesn’t even feel as important to me as showing myself that I’m trustworthy. If I say I’m going to do something, then I do it. I’m a woman of my word, even to myself. Especially to myself.

BONUS: Cash decided he wants to join in and is doing his own challenges. I’m so happy to have a partner in crime, and it also makes me super happy that he’s going to start out trusting he can do anything, instead of having to learn it later.


Rachel Hollis, Inspector Gamache, and Peter Rabbit